- Net terms on Ecommerce sitesPayment is expected immediately upon purchase of plans or service. For example, When purchasing a set of plans through our ecommerce solution, full payment is required before stock plans are delivered.
- Net terms for Invoices
Full payment on invoiced services (plan modifications, redesign or custom house plans) is required before our modification team can start working on your project. - Forms of payments
We accept all major credit cards, wire transfers and certified money orders. Payments made through our ecommerce site will be processed through Square credit card processing. - Incentives or Offers
If an incentive or special offer is advertised, we will provide a coupon code to be used on the checkout page. - Refunds on purchased plans
Because of U.S. copyright laws specifically by 17 U.S. Code 102(8) and the possibilities of making illegal copies of the plans you received, our plans may not be returned for credit or refund under any circumstances once the order has been processed, this includes full or partial modification purchase paid online. Please contact us with any questions before placing your order. See our refund and copyrights page: Click here
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