Monday, February 10, 2025


1. BuildMax STOCK PLAN Package.

Stock plans are plans BuildMax has designed in-house and have made available for instant download. Stock Plans include everything you need to provide to your banker, material supplier and builder.ย 

Here is what is included in a stick plan:
-One time build license (this gives you permission to build one house from this plan)
-First Floor Plan
-Second Floor Plan (if building a 2 story plan)
-Front and rear 2D Elevations and Details
-Left and Right Side Elevations and Details
-Roof Plan Details
-First & Second Floor Electrical Plans (suggestive layout, work with the Pro on the ground to make the final required changes)
-First & Second Floor Plumbing Plans (suggestive layout, work with the Pro on the ground to make the final required changes)
-Footer & Foundation Detail Sheet
-Roof and Floor Joist Framing Detail Sheet
-Doors and Window Schedule


2. BuildMax Modification Package

You can modify any BuildMax Stock House Plan. Our modification option allows you to make a few changes to floor plans only.  A modification or redesign package includes everything in the stock plan package including the modification requested. Changes to the foundation, roofline, window and door placement that affects the elevation drawings will require a Redesign or Custom quote.

3. BuildMax Custom Package.

BuildMax can custom design any style house plan from scratch in as little as 30 days. Whether you have plans sketched out on a piece of paper or just an idea in mind, you can work directly with the Designer to create your dream home. Our custom house plan package includes everything in the Stock Plan Package plus:
-2hr floor plan Design Consulting & Review
-5hr Junior Designer rough draft layout
-2 revisions after Junior Designer draft
-15hr block of time for Lead Designer
-One-time build license

A message from the owners of Buildmax.

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